Report from City: Streets and 2579 Home Ave

Bob Carlson had a meeting last week with Kelly McAdoo (City Manager), Laura Simpson (Development Services), and Alex Ameri (Public Works). They discussed the streets project in OHHA and the construction at 2579 Home Ave.


  • Project is continuing on schedule.  Cost estimates are in and are within estimates. Community contribution remains as initially established (approx $600 per year for 20 years).
  • Starting the  process of aquiring or getting variances on street property still owned by a homeowner
  • Moving toward having the vote on the assessment district. Likely to have it late summer or Fall. OHHA will be involved so we can get the vote out.
  • If a “YES” vote is given the next phase will be design followed by construction. Construction is likely this Spring or Summer starting with Tribune and Cotati.

2379 Home Ave:

  • In March the applicant for review was given an incomplete status.  The document has not been returned for further action.
  • OHHA will be kept informed of the process. Likely will go to the Planning Commission for public hearing if returned.
  • Also a separate plan for water control must be submitted due to the slope of the lot. This is reviewed by public works then paired with the architectural plans for further review at the Planning Commission and City Council.

About the author: robtcarlson